Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another weekend in London (elle)

Last week went by really fast.

Work went really well. I got a little frustrated being on the computer all day on Tuesday, but Wednesday made it all better. Two co-workers and I took a traditional London black cab (first cab experience here actually) across the city to a client's office to create media kits for an event they are having this coming fall. We put various gifts, press release, save the date sheet etc in these media kits. It took a few hours to get all of this organized and the commute back to work took about an hour. It was so nice to get out of the office.

p.s. I would be more specific about who the client is etc but I'm not sure if that's something I'm supposed to do?
To back track a little I have a funny story about that morning. I was told to meet two guys from our office at a store about 10 minutes from our office first thing Tuesday morning to pick up the boxes for the media kits. So, I got there at 8:55 like I was told and waited till one showed up!! I talked to three workers in that store to make sure I was in the right spot etc. To top it off my phone wouldn't make outgoing calls for some unknown reason. So, I decided to leave and head to work. When I walked into the office the two guys I was supposed to meet were sitting at their desks!! They said hello and acted completely normal, so I did too of course. It's typical for me to act like nothing happened. Then one asked "waitttt how did you know we weren't meeting?" I was like ahhh shoot luckily I forgot! They laughed and said that's pretty lucky....then told me we were going to do that errand in 20 minutes. I immediately started worrying one or all of the three workers at the store would say something about me being there haha! Luckily, everything went smoothly and we talked to the one person about our delivery that I hadn't talked to earlier. What a morning.

Friday- Brittian, Mary Marg, Jessica and I went to Windsor, England which is the home of Windsor Castle (the Queen's official home). Apparently, Buckingham Palace is basically her "office."  It was the most beautiful place! I want to move there of course. The castle was being set up for a prestigious event called the "Order of the Garter" that is being held tomorrow. My favorite part was seeing Queen Mary's dollhouse collection and the almost football field long wooden table made for Queen Victoria. Football field may be an exaggeration but it was HUGEEE. We had a delicious lunch in Windsor then headed home for a night out.

                                                 We found Mama G's husband in Windsor!

 Needless to say, Friday night was funnn. Saturday morning was a struggle...BUT we rallied and went to Covent Garden, The British Musuem, Roadhouse Bar (very cool place) then had a delicious dinner at Hamilton Hall. I went to bed early and I needed it. Covent Garden was one of my favorite areas so far. It has a precious piazza where there are pubs, restaurants, market, ice cream shops etc. The area surrounding it is filled with street performers.

Today the girls went to the Tower of London and saw the Crown Jewels, Bloody Tower, Traitor's Gate (above) Martin Tower, etc. The crown jewels really are phenomenal.

Kara has been in Dublin and I'm sure she will post about her travels! I miss her!
I hope this week goes by reallllllly fast because we are going to SPAIN next!!

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