Tuesday, May 24, 2011

continue to love london (elle)

I just found out the Barcelona football (soccer) team has landed in London. Twitter even released where they are staying....bad choice. Of course, I am DYING to stalk them at their hotel. If I met Messi I would die happy.

I am trying my best to fit in as a Londoner. Step one is to master listening to your ipod and pretending like the 10000000 people on the tube with you aren't there.

So, I made a tube riding mix: http://8tracks.com/elllllleee/tube-mix-blending-in

Day two at work was amazing. I love routine and they definitely kept me busy! I did research, errands, and a lot of phone talking. They asked me to try to get sneaky information from journalists (we all know journalists think PR people are sketchy....common misconception). They assigned me this job because they figured the "sweet american girl" would have better luck haha.

I was so happy to skype my family (including boomer), julie, twebb and clementine. Ready for tomorrow!


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