Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Feet, My Feet, My Feet are on Fire

Elle told everyone about what we did Friday and I couldn't have done it better than that. Harrods was literally the most amazing department store I have every been to. It was a FAO Shwartz for anything you could ever want on steroids. We saw all sorts of things from million pound checks to a free magic show in the toy department. I will be going back because we did not even see half of the store and that took us 3 hours alone. I also tried the Lebanese food for lunch! It was really good. We took our lunch and sat in Hyde Park! The animals are VERY human friendly...a squirrel climbed up Brittain's leg all the way to her knee. It would have climbed further, but considering the fact a rodent was climbing up her leg she understandably kicked it off so it would attack her face! It was unreal! That night we went to Ministry of Sound, which is a record label's club. It had five different rooms with five different DJs. Never had I ever been in a strobe light for that long! It was very different night scene than we have experienced since we had arrived. Everyone that went had a blast and we will be going back at some point!

Saturday could have quite possibly been our longest most packed in day of all! 8:45 am came a bit early considering we went to a club the night before! Surprisingly, every single person in our group made it on time. We first got a tour of Westminster Abbey! It was really cool to see it in person, but the tour guide...he was another story. He talked more than I do. He was flamboyant and LOVED London history. The tour was suppose to take 30 minutes and it lasted 2 hours. The loss of interest was blatantly obvious. We then took an amazing cruise on the river Thames to Greenwich village. There we saw where part of Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed and there was a great ethnic market! I ate a Mediterranean lamb wrap and it was delicious! We were so hungry and tired by this point we could not even stay to look around. Consequently, Greenwich is still on my list to visit again!

Today, Sunday, is the best day to visit and shop around at all the markets! There is one right outside our flat called The Old Spitalfield Market and I think it is by far the best market I have EVER been to! I already found presents for people and of course for myself! Zach, Brittain, Chandler, Elle, Gabi, and I then ventured to another market called Camden Market. This was the market in What a Girl Wants (with Amanda Bynes). When we hopped off the tube I was a little scared/disappointed I left Spitalfield because it just looked like the tourist area of Chinatown in NYC with cheesy souvenirs, t-shirts, etc. We kept walking down the road and found the market I had in mind! It was right on the water and every store looked like a little hut. I was craving some fruits or veggies and found one stand that made juices! I of course could not pass it up and got the carrot, ginger, apple, and orange drink! Needless to say if I ever am feeling tired and/or craving something super healthy you can find me back at that juice hut; it was amazing! Getting back home from Camden market was an experience. First, the tube stop was closed so we decided to take the bus. Then, we walked for an hour trying to find the bus stop. Next, the bus was one of the more overcrowded transportation vehicles I have ever witnessed. Finally, almost 2 hours later we arrived home where I am sitting now writing this post!

These past few days have been BUSY and my feet are thanking me for how much they ache from all the walking. No wonder America is the most obese country; I have walked three times more than I walk at home. Tomorrow is the first day of work so tonight we all will be getting a good nights sleep! It is a bit nerve-racking. Hope all is well on the home-front!

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