Friday, May 20, 2011

typical first night.

The first night we got here we went out to a pub called the Vibe and hung out for awhile. On our walk back to Nido Spitalfields (where we are staying) I saw an American looking guy about our age passed out in a pile of boxes haha. Actually, there was a tall rectangular box and he was slumped over it. I decided to help him out of course. I had to shake him awake...this guy was beyond drunk. I helped him inside and then my friends and I asked him what school he was from. He said something that we translated to SMU. We sent him on the elevator up to the 21st floor because we knew that's where the majority of the SMU kids were staying. We saluted him and hoped for the best. Just when I thought my night was room key wouldn't work for my room. I went down to the security desk and they told me I had Brittian's key. Sooo I went and fetched her and they said she had "Joe Biden's" key. (I didn't realize until the morning that Joe Biden is the name of our vice president haha) Seriously Joe Biden??? There is no telling how the three of us switched up keys. The security guard made Brittian and I pose for photos for our room keys which NO ONE else has. I think we debated with the security guard for about one hour. With that fiasco taken care of I went up to bed.

Wellllll apparently this mystery man is the only one in his group NOT staying on that floor. He woke up in a random room on the 31st floor that didn't even have a bed in it. On his way to the abandoned room he got off on the 21st floor and wrecked havoc. Wooooops. I saw him and his friends the next day and filled them in on his night. I literally had to tell 20 people the story. It was hilarious start to the trip.

more to come!!

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