Thursday, May 26, 2011

Days are slow, but time is flying (Kara)

Wow, it is hard to keep a blog updated...not enough time in the day even though the days are soooo long. I don't know how I will work in the real world.

Well Monday we started our internships. Let me say I was not too fond of my "busy-work" jobs at first but I have grown a positive attitude and began to appreciate them. I work at 9 PR. It is a media corporation agency that does PR for musicians. I am actually helping do a press release and press schedule for Nona Hendryx (who was a member of LaBelle who sang the original "Lady Marmalade"). Other than that I basically do busy work such as cutting and gluing, copying and pasting documents, and organizing. Tuesday I had to organize their magazines (which had piled up since 2008) and filled up 5 huge trash bags of old magazines to recycle, so yes, it is VERY boring. Finally today is Thursday though and we have a free 3 days!!!

This weekend we were all planning on going on a trip, but we waited way too long and now because of the volcano ash cloud all flights have been canceled. I am happy though because there is still so much of London I want to see and have not gotten to see since work started. Also, the big champions cup soccer game is this weekend so I think we are making a good choice.

Two nights ago my friend Laura Haines (I met her over spring break because Grace's friend Carson, who also goes to Pepperdine and is from Memphis, came to London last summer and met Laura, so Laura, and another Londoner Emma, were in L.A. as well) drove me around in her convertible P.T. Cruiser so I could see London at night. It was so cool! We drove over the London bridge, saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, and I got to ride on the left side of the car and road...which was not as weird of a sensation as I thought it would be. She is so sweet! She even made me "An Ultimate Guide to London" that included historic sites to see, shopping, where to go out, the tube station for each stop, the price, and the price of cabs so the drivers would not rip us foreigners off. I cannot wait to see her again, she may be one of the sweetest girls I have met!

I was even more impressed with how adorable and sweet Laura is yesterday because I had a major culture shock. People here do not know manners. I was so proud to be from America, especially the South, after my tube experience yesterday. I was bumped into multiple times during rush hour and no one EVER says excuse me. Finally, after the 8th time being bumped into I looked at the grown woman who did it and said "Excuse you!" I was over it. Then, while waiting on the tube as it was pulling up, the doors opened and grown men in business suits (so they should obviously know manners) cut me off to the point that I missed that tube and it took me 40 minutes to get home from work (which is only 3 stops away). Everyone was so rude that I was almost to the point of tears since I was not used to the attitudes. Our teacher said this would probably happen and you just have to remember we don't have the same cultural values. I understand now and just view this as an outsider, but I am still SO happy I live in America!

Tonight we are going to a club called Fabric. I have never heard of it, but apparently it is fun. It is weird how the clubs are here, almost like a movie. I even get a headache because of the blinking lights sometimes! I think it will be fun though since it is something we don't do normally in the U.S.

Hope all is well at home!! Until next time...

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