Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kara's 1st Post

Hi! It's Kara! I had email trouble today and just figured out this blog thing (thanks to Elle's lifesaving gmail account which let me finally figure out how to log into this I think!) Anyways, these past few days have been jam packed! We flew in, came to our flats. They are great! 32 stories. All the Auburn crew are on the 11th story and Elle and I are rooming together. We then made our way to a local pub and explored around Spitalfield (which is the area we are living). We had orientation the next day and Elle and I had our job interviews. They both went great! The downside was that while we had interviews the rest of our group went on a tour of London that included seeing Harry Potter scene settings, Westminster, and other amazing parts of London. Hopefully we will be making all of that up soon! Last night we had a welcome party at the Foundation (look it up if you can online it was an awesome place). It was more of a club, but the program directors rented out the back room which included VIP booths, a DJ, free drinks, free food, and disco balls as far as the eye could see! The Auburn crew were the last there to close out the party! Dr. Padgett and Dr. Butler joined us there as well and we are so lucky to have them! We could not have better professors here with us! We have some funny stories about both, that could also be used for blackmail ;) Today we tried to do some shopping around the Spitalfield Market as well as the Oxford Circus area (H&M, TopShop, etc.) but somehow, if you can believe it, I did not buy a single thing other than a pair of tights. Elle found a great trench coat jacket that is very posh! I was warned about how "terrible" the food is here, but unfortunately (for weight loss ;)), I have had nothing but great food! Most of it has been really fresh like mozzarella, basil, and tomato wraps or falafel with roasted red pepper quesadilla! We even found a delicious burrito place! The only questionable food I have seen is some of the pub food like "mash" or something of that sort. Tomorrow Dr. Padgett is taking us on a scavenger hunt of Harrods (aka I will be in HEAVEN). I can't wait to post all about it! And Saturday we have a river boat cruise so my next post will be a double whammy! I miss everyone from home and hope all is well! Love you all!

P.S. Our name for this blog "Mind the Gap" could not be more appropriate considering I hear those exact words almost 20 times a day on the's almost annoying!

Until next time!

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